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Change Logs of HappyAddons Pro

v2.12.1 – 9 July 2024

- Tweak: Enhancement in Advanced Comparison Table widget.
- Fix: Z-index issue on Table of Content widget.
- Fix: Live copy feature for sections and container.

v2.12.0 – 12 June 202

- New: Advanced Comparison Table Widget.

v2.11.4 – 8 May 2024

- Fix: Bug fixes and performance improvements.

v2.11.3 – 25 April 2024

- Tweak: Icon option added in the Modal Popup widget.

v2.11.2 – 18 April 2024

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor 3.21

v2.11.1 – 4 April 2024

- Update: Made Compatible with WordPress 6.5 & Elementor 3.20

v2.11.0 – 4 March 2024

- New: Global Badge feature.
- Fix: Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Fix: Compatible with Elementor 3.19.x and Elementor Pro 3.19.x
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Team Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Logo Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Testimonial Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Twitter Feed Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Post Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Product Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Product Category Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the EDD Product Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the EDD Category Carousel widget.
- Update: Appsero SDK to version 2.0.0 and Appsero Updater included.
- Update: Regenerate Social Icon preset json code.
- Update: RTL support added to the Team Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Logo Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Testimonial Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Twitter Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Post Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the EDD Product Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Product Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Product Category Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the EDD Category Carousel widget.

v2.10.1 – 1 January 2024

- Fix: Security improvement for Age Gate widget.

v2.10.0 – 19 December 2023

- Fix: Security improvement for Shipping Bar widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for EDD Cart widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Smart Post List widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Post Grid widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Instagram Feed widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Facebook Feed widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Mega Menu.
- Fix: Security improvement for Live Copy.
- Fix: Security improvement for EDD Single Product.
- Fix: Security improvement for Single Product.
- Fix: Replaced the deprecated function "get_page_by_title" in the Mega Menu.
- Fix: Resolved a warning regarding default icons in the Creative Slider Next/Prev.
- Fix: An issue where external links weren't working in the Scrolling Image.
- Fix: Addressed a cross-domain double paste issue.
- Tweak: Added support for widget container templates in the Advanced Tab.

v2.9.1 – 2 November 2023

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.17.x & Elementor Pro 3.17.x

v2.9.0 – 23 October 2023

- Fix: Cross Domain Copy Paste & Live Copy
- Fix : Made compatible with latest Elementor & WordPress versions.
- Fix : Bug fixes and performance improvements.

v2.8.3 – 13 September 2023

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.16.x & Elementor Pro 3.16.x

v2.8.2 – 13 September 2023

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.16.1 & Elementor Pro 3.16.0.

v2.8.1 – 4 September 2023

- Tweak: Pricing Table button width adjust and list icon color controller added.
- Fix: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
- Fix: Post Grid Loadmore issue.
- Fix: Use Global Primary Typography for controls.
- Fix: Use Global Primary Color for controls.
- Fix: Cross-domain copy-paste deprecations fixed.
- Fix: Free shipping bar JavaScript errors.

v2.8.0 – 7 August 2023

- New: Shipping Bar widget
- New: Creative Slider widget
- Fix: Issue with Thumbnail Navigation Image size of Advanced Slider
- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.15.1 & Elementor Pro 3.15.0.

v2.7.2 – 11 April 2023

- New: Reworked the preset feature improving its UI and UX.
- New: Live copy-paste, cross-domain copy-paste, and section feature compatibility with the container.
- Tweak: Added country option in display condition.
- Fix: Unfold widget minor issue.
- Fix: Sticky video AutoPlay issue.

v2.7.1 – 11 January 2023

- Tweak: Removed elementor/widgets/widgets_registered deprecated hook.
- Fix: HappyMenu Mobile editing panel is not showing.
- Fix: Advanced Data Table Double header issue in the 'Table Press' table.

v2.7.0 – 26 December 2022

- New: Theme Builder feature (With Extra Conditions).
- New: Remote Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Flip Box widget flip on touch.
- Fix: Pricing Table's Feature title is not working with <br> tag.
- Fix: Advanced Tabs Stretch Alignment Issue.
- Fix: Off-Canvas widgets with Close Bar link issue.
- Fix: Display Condition issue.
- Fix: Smart Post List thumbnail image is not working properly.

v2.6.1 – 18 October 2022

- Tweak: Advance Post Queries & Query ID integration with the Post Grid Widgets, Smart Post List Widgets & Tiles Post Widgets.
- Tweak: Word Break Option Introduce on Advance Data Table.
- Tweak: Advance slider arrow outside section.
- Tweak: Price Table widget's title tag changing option added.
- Tweak: Allow html tag in advance table text.
- Fix: Advance heading redundant tag remove.
- Fix: Post Grid widget not showing current post issue.
- Fix: Advance Data Table default column sort issue.
- Fix: One Page Navigation SVG icon control issue.
- Fix: Mega Menu warning handling.
- Fix: Stop indexing Mega Menu by search engine.

v2.5.1 – 10 August 2022

- Update: Advance tab link support added on tab button
- Update: Advance map on mouseout infowindow close
- Tweak: Removed `Elementor\DB::is_built_with_elementor` deprecated method from Elementor 3.7.0.
- Fix: unwanted placeholder image remove from Image Scrolling
- Fix: Megamenu overflow issue
- Fix: One Page Nav issue

v2.5.0- 18 July 2022

- New: Image Swap widget
- Enhancement: Performance improvement

v2.4.0 – 16 June 2022

- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Cart widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Checkout widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Login widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Registration widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Purchase widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Download widget
- Tweak: Dynamic date format set for smart post list and post carousel widget
- Fix: Mini Cart js issue
- Fix: Happy Menu fix for non redirection of parent menu items.
- Fix: List group item's individual color set as "transparent".
- Fix: Smart Post List ajax error issue.

v2.3.3 – 2 May 2022

- Fix: EDD widgets syntax error

v2.3.2 – 26 April 2022

- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Product Grid Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Product Carousel Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Single Product Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Category Grid Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Category Carousel Widget
- Update: plyr.js 3rd party library update.
- Tweak: Lower animation speed input option enables for all carousel widgets
- Fix: One Page Nav adjust section height by section threshold
- Fix: Slider effect "Cube" was temporary removed from Advanced Slider for some browser compatibility issue.

v2.3.1 – 28 March 2022

- Fix: Hotspots widget wrong position issue.
- Improve: Elementor compatibility.

v2.3.0 – 23 March 2022

- Tweak: Removed `_register_skins` deprecated method
- Fix: live copy button not showing on Frontend

v2.2.6 – 1 March 2022

- Improve: Elementor compatibility

v2.2.5 – 27 February 2022

- Tweak: Improve Team Carousel on load behavior
- Tweak: Improve Testimonial Carousel on load behavior
- Tweak: Improve Logo Carousel on load behavior
- Fix: One Page Navigation by mouse wheel issue
- Fix: Post Carousel Condition for Featured Image
- Fix: HappyMenu responsive arrow position

v2.2.4 – 17 February 2022

- New: Advanced Google Map Widget
- Tweak: MegaMenu Dropdown indicator hover color control
- Tweak: ListGroup widget item direction custom control added
- Fix: ListGroup widget item description hover color fix
- Fix: Advance Slider Flicker Issue

v2.2.3 – 31 January 2022

- Tweak: Enhancement Show the author display name instead of username over the Post Carousel widget
- Tweak: HappyLocalTimeZone set based on display condition enable
- Tweak: MegaMenu Dropdown indicator picker new ui
- Tweak: MegaMenu Default Style Enhancement
- Tweak: MegaMenu Admin Menu Item list indicator added. 
- Fix: Post Grid widget's Badge color not working
- Fix: Advanced tabs don't load section elements
- Fix: Megamenu recursion 
- Fix: Advanced toggle nested opening-closing icon issue
- Fix: Modal popup video stop playing after closing
- Fix: Unfold is not showing the end of the line on a long string.
- Fix: Advanced slider content hides on Elementor template.
- Fix: MegaMenu Spacing issue with submenu indicator
- Fix: ListGroup widget item hover color fix

v2.2.2 – 22 December 2021

- Fix: Advanced slider arrow according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider pagination bullets according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider scrollbar according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider ProgressBar according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider pagination numbers according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider responsive issue fix.
- Fix: Advanced slider compatibility with Elementor Improved Asset Loading.
- Fix: Grammatical Mistake in one page nav widget.
- Fix: Off-Canvas null Check.
- Fix: Modal popup null Check.
- Fix: Manual Selection query issue.
- Fix: HappyMenu flush rewrite issue.
- Fix: ListGroup Un-indentified index error.
- Fix: Scroll Image Un-indentified index error.

v2.2.1 – 31 October 2021

- Fix: Failed to open stream issue in particle feature
- Fix: Syntax error in unfold widget
- Fix: Hover Box default background image issue
- Fix: Preset reset button style issue
- Fix: Unfold widget JS corner case issue

v2.2.0 – 28 October 2021

- New: Unfold Widget.
- Tweak: Post Grid widget optimization
- Tweak: Single Product widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Grid widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Carousel widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Category Grid widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Category Carousel widget optimization
- Tweak: Replace `_content_template` function with `content_template`.

v2.1.1 – 23 September 2021

- Tweak: Improved performance

v2.1.0 – 25 August 2021

- New: Added disable option for Widget Preset feature
- New: Added compatibility with PHP 8.0

v2.0.0 – 3 August 2021

- New: One Page Navigation Widget
- New: Off Canvas Widget
- New: Added Flip Box Frontend & Backend Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added List Group Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Price Menu Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Post Tiles Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Product Carousel Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Product Category Carousel Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Single Product Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Global credential key dashboard. User can set credentials in settings pannel and use it globally (Advanced Data Table Widget, Facebook Feed Widget, Instagram Feed Widget)
- Tweak: Happy Particle Effects code improved & loading perfermonce optimiation.
- Tweak: List Group Widget control improved and added simple HTML support for both title and description.
- Update: Update Hover Box Title HTML Tag control option
- Update: All widgets Coding stractrue update

v1.19.2 – 14 July 2021

- Fix: Happy Menu last nav item padding issue;
- Fix: Megamenu tab layout glitch

v1.19.1 – 8 July 2021

- Tweak: Mini cart widget popup body offset option added.
- Tweak: Advanced slider style controll improved.
- Fix: Advanced slider animation issue fix.
- Fix: Advanced Tabs nav responsive issue
- Fix: Mini Cart alignment issue

v1.19.0 – 23 June 2021

- New: Advanced Slider widget
- New: Link Target option added to Twitter Feed Carousel widget
- New: Link Target option added to Facebook Feed widget
- Fix: Happy Menu Off-canvas background color

v1.18.0 – 9 June 2021

- New: Happy Menu widget
- New: Pricing Table Currency side position change option added
- New: Button Border radius control added to Timeline widget
- Fix: Pagination previous and next improvement on Post Grid widget

v1.17.1 – 20 May 2021

- Tweak: Single Image Scroll image dynamic tag enable
- Tweak: Team Carousel title html tag option increased
- Fix: Single Image anchor tag issue

v1.16.0 – 11 April 2021

- New: Single Image Scroll widget
- New: WC Checkout Coupon Box style control added
- New: Modal popup trigger type control added
- Fix: WC Cart & WC Checkout style issue
- Fix: Post Grid Pagination issue

v1.15.0 – 24 March 2021

- New: WC Cart widget
- New: WC Checkout widget
- Update: List Group widget style control enhancement
- Fix: Facebook Feed blank issue

v1.14.0 – 24 February 2021

- New: Mini Cart widget
- New: Single Product widget
- New: `happyaddons/extensions/happy_particle_effects` filter hook to disable happy particle effects
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Logo carousel widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Post carousel widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Team widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Testimonial widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Twitter carousel widget
- Fix: Timeline block rtl issue
- Fix: All Slider loop issue
- Fix: Post Grid Stylica shape divider issue
- Fix: Scrolling Image console error issue
- Fix: Chart Widgets console error

v1.13.1 – 15 December 2020

– Fix: Pricing table JS error in editor

v1.13.0 – 6 December 2020

- New: Modal popup widget
- New: Particle effect extension
- New: Advanced data table widget
- New: Minimal skin for Product category carousel
- Update: Product category carousel markup
- Update: Context menu label and UX
- Fix: Product grid buttons alignment
- Fix: Product category grid counter number alignment

v1.12.0 – 23 November 2020

- New: Product Grid widget
- New: Product Carousel widget
- New: Product Category Grid widget
- New: Product Category Carousel widget
- Update: Post Grid loadmore animation.
- Update: Instagram user ID option remove
- Update: Instagram data cache system update
- Update: Support custom HTML tags for pricing menu description.
- Fix: Post Grid Meta last child margin issue.
- Fix: Post Grid Outbox skin author background color change issue.

v1.11.1 – 26 October 2020

Fix: Smart Post List compatibility with WPML
- Fix: Post Carousel compatibility with WPML
- Fix: On Demand Assets Loading compatibility with WPML
- Fix: Pricing Table long feature text breaks into 2nd line issue
- Fix: Pricing Table default style and content issue
- Fix: Missing widget styles

v1.11.0 – 22 October 2020

- New: Post Grid widget
- New: Sticky Video widget
- New: Author List widget
- New: All Content (Full Page) Cross Domain Copy Paste
- New: `happyaddons/extensions/image_masking` filter hook to disable image masking
- New: `happyaddons/extensions/display_condition` filter hook to disable display condition
- Fix: Post Carousel author name issue
- Fix: Post Carousel link issue
- Fix: Updated Elementor JS api compatibility with 3.x.x

v1.10.0 – 28 September 2020

- New: Smart Post List widget
- New: Post Tiles widget
- New: Post Carousel widget
- Tweak: Instagram data cache system update
- Fix: Correct Spelling Mistake in Instagram
- Fix: WPML Link Issue
- Fix: SVG Icon Color Issue
- Fix: Scrolling image duplicate link issue
- Fix: Instagram Video Image Blank issue

v1.9.0 – 30 June 2020

- New: Twitter Feed Carousel widget
- New: Breadcrumb New widget
- New: Instagram New API integration
- Fix: Column padding issue on editor

v1.8.0 – 22 June 2020

- New: Facebook feed widget
- New: Section template inline editing
- Fix: SVG sizing issues in all widgets
- Fix: WPML file loading issue
- Fix: Self Hosted Live Copy button on/off issue

v1.7.0 – 18 May 2020

-New: WPML support for all widgets
- Fix: Animated Text alignment issue
- Fix: Logo Carousel image issue on ios and safari

v1.6.1 – 28 April 2020

- Fix: Heading widget style tab issue

v1.6.0 – 22nd April 2020

-New: Self Hosted Live Copy
- Fix: SVG missing issue on cross paste and live paste
- Fix: Select2 visual issue
- Fix: Removed unnecessary scripts

v1.5.1 – 5th April 2020

- Tweak: Custom attribute output support for all links
- Fix: Elementor popup link not working in HappyAddons Pro widgets
- Fix: Timeline widget date alignment with icon top issue
- Fix: Testimonial Carousel padding issue

v1.5.0 – 9th March 2020

- New: Pie & Doughnut Chart Widget
- New: Line Chart Widget
- New: Rader Chart Widget
- New: Polar Area Chart Widget
- Update: Added badget text in Pricing Menu
- Update: Added server time in Display Condition
- Fix: Display Condition cookie issue

v1.4.2 – 27 February 2020

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Accordion widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Pricing Table widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Advanced Tabs widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Animated Text widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Feature List widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Hotspots widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for List Group widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Logo Carousel widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Price Menu widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Promo Box widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Scrolling Image widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Team Carousel widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Testimonial Carousel widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Toggle widget

– Fix: Pricing Table PHP warning

v1.4.1 – 18 February 2020

- Fix: Conflict with Rank Math
- Fix: Hotspots widget id conflict

v1.4.0 – 21 January 2020

 -New: HotSpots widget
- New: Price Menu widget
- New: Display condition global feature (Works with all widgets, section and column. Available inside advanced tab)
- Tweak: Improved attachment import procedure on cross paste and live paste

v1.3.0 – 31 December 2019

- New: Promo Box widget
- New: CSS Image Masking (Supported widgets: Card, Info Box, Promo Box, Member, Image, Image Box)
- Update: Cross Domain Copy Paste UX improved
- Update: Cross Domain Copy Paste performance improved
- Update: Live Copy Paste UX improved
- Update: Live Copy Paste performance improved
- Update: Context menu items are moved to upper position
- Fix: Unlimited Section Nesting compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*

v1.2.0 – 22 December 2019

- New: Timeline scroll animation
- Fix: Live Copy Paste compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*
- Fix: Cross Domain Copy Paste compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*
- Fix: Preset compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*

v1.0.2 – 8 November 2019

- Fix: Plugin auto updater initialization

v1.0.1 – 7 November 2019

- Tweak: Widgets default styles
- Fix: Image border radius style issue
- Fix: Unexpected preset calls

v1.1.0 – 25 November 2019

- New: Added Live Copy feature (Check context menu for Live Paste option)
- Tweak: Animated Text widget max limit increased
- Fix: Countdown widget redirect issue
- Fix: Featured List widget link issue
- Fix: Malware false warning issue

v1.0 -> Oct 28, 2019

- Initial Release

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