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Change Logs of HappyAddons Pro

v2.14.0 – 21 October 2024

- New: Added WPML support to Advanced Comparison Table widget.
- Fix: All Widget compatible with Element Caching of Elementor.
- Fix: Global Badge feature compatible with Element Caching of Elementor.
- Fix: Scroll issue fix on Iphone for the Advanced Tabs widget.

v2.13.1 – 19 September 2024

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor 3.24
- Update: Updated Appsero SDK.

v2.13.0 – 12 August 2024

- New: Added WPML support for the following widgets: Advanced Data Table, Author List, Breadcrumbs, EDD Cart, EDD Category Grid, EDD Checkout, EDD Login, EDD Product Carousel, EDD Product Grid, EDD Register, EDD Single Product, Facebook Feed, Single Image Scroll, Modal Popup, Happy Menu (nav menu), Post Grid, Post Tiles, Product Carousel, Product Category Grid, Product Grid, Remote Carousel, Shipping Bar, Single Product, Smart Post List, Sticky Video, Table of Contents, Twitter Feed Carousel, Creative Slider, Advanced Google Map, Logo Carousel, Off Canvas, One Page Nav.
- Fix: Additional Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements.

v2.12.1 – 9 July 2024

- Tweak: Enhancement in Advanced Comparison Table widget.
- Fix: Z-index issue on Table of Content widget.
- Fix: Live copy feature for sections and container.

v2.12.0 – 12 June 202

- New: Advanced Comparison Table Widget.

v2.11.4 – 8 May 2024

- Fix: Bug fixes and performance improvements.

v2.11.3 – 25 April 2024

- Tweak: Icon option added in the Modal Popup widget.

v2.11.2 – 18 April 2024

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor 3.21

v2.11.1 – 4 April 2024

- Update: Made Compatible with WordPress 6.5 & Elementor 3.20

v2.11.0 – 4 March 2024

- New: Global Badge feature.
- Fix: Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Fix: Compatible with Elementor 3.19.x and Elementor Pro 3.19.x
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Team Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Logo Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Testimonial Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Twitter Feed Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Post Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Product Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the Product Category Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the EDD Product Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Scroll As Shown Slides option added in the EDD Category Carousel widget.
- Update: Appsero SDK to version 2.0.0 and Appsero Updater included.
- Update: Regenerate Social Icon preset json code.
- Update: RTL support added to the Team Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Logo Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Testimonial Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Twitter Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Post Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the EDD Product Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Product Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the Product Category Carousel widget.
- Update: RTL support added to the EDD Category Carousel widget.

v2.10.1 – 1 January 2024

- Fix: Security improvement for Age Gate widget.

v2.10.0 – 19 December 2023

- Fix: Security improvement for Shipping Bar widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for EDD Cart widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Smart Post List widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Post Grid widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Instagram Feed widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Facebook Feed widget.
- Fix: Security improvement for Mega Menu.
- Fix: Security improvement for Live Copy.
- Fix: Security improvement for EDD Single Product.
- Fix: Security improvement for Single Product.
- Fix: Replaced the deprecated function "get_page_by_title" in the Mega Menu.
- Fix: Resolved a warning regarding default icons in the Creative Slider Next/Prev.
- Fix: An issue where external links weren't working in the Scrolling Image.
- Fix: Addressed a cross-domain double paste issue.
- Tweak: Added support for widget container templates in the Advanced Tab.

v2.9.1 – 2 November 2023

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.17.x & Elementor Pro 3.17.x

v2.9.0 – 23 October 2023

- Fix: Cross Domain Copy Paste & Live Copy
- Fix : Made compatible with latest Elementor & WordPress versions.
- Fix : Bug fixes and performance improvements.

v2.8.3 – 13 September 2023

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.16.x & Elementor Pro 3.16.x

v2.8.2 – 13 September 2023

- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.16.1 & Elementor Pro 3.16.0.

v2.8.1 – 4 September 2023

- Tweak: Pricing Table button width adjust and list icon color controller added.
- Fix: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
- Fix: Post Grid Loadmore issue.
- Fix: Use Global Primary Typography for controls.
- Fix: Use Global Primary Color for controls.
- Fix: Cross-domain copy-paste deprecations fixed.
- Fix: Free shipping bar JavaScript errors.

v2.8.0 – 7 August 2023

- New: Shipping Bar widget
- New: Creative Slider widget
- Fix: Issue with Thumbnail Navigation Image size of Advanced Slider
- Update: Made Compatible with Elementor Free 3.15.1 & Elementor Pro 3.15.0.

v2.7.2 – 11 April 2023

- New: Reworked the preset feature improving its UI and UX.
- New: Live copy-paste, cross-domain copy-paste, and section feature compatibility with the container.
- Tweak: Added country option in display condition.
- Fix: Unfold widget minor issue.
- Fix: Sticky video AutoPlay issue.

v2.7.1 – 11 January 2023

- Tweak: Removed elementor/widgets/widgets_registered deprecated hook.
- Fix: HappyMenu Mobile editing panel is not showing.
- Fix: Advanced Data Table Double header issue in the 'Table Press' table.

v2.7.0 – 26 December 2022

- New: Theme Builder feature (With Extra Conditions).
- New: Remote Carousel widget.
- Tweak: Flip Box widget flip on touch.
- Fix: Pricing Table's Feature title is not working with <br> tag.
- Fix: Advanced Tabs Stretch Alignment Issue.
- Fix: Off-Canvas widgets with Close Bar link issue.
- Fix: Display Condition issue.
- Fix: Smart Post List thumbnail image is not working properly.

v2.6.1 – 18 October 2022

- Tweak: Advance Post Queries & Query ID integration with the Post Grid Widgets, Smart Post List Widgets & Tiles Post Widgets.
- Tweak: Word Break Option Introduce on Advance Data Table.
- Tweak: Advance slider arrow outside section.
- Tweak: Price Table widget's title tag changing option added.
- Tweak: Allow html tag in advance table text.
- Fix: Advance heading redundant tag remove.
- Fix: Post Grid widget not showing current post issue.
- Fix: Advance Data Table default column sort issue.
- Fix: One Page Navigation SVG icon control issue.
- Fix: Mega Menu warning handling.
- Fix: Stop indexing Mega Menu by search engine.

v2.5.1 – 10 August 2022

- Update: Advance tab link support added on tab button
- Update: Advance map on mouseout infowindow close
- Tweak: Removed `Elementor\DB::is_built_with_elementor` deprecated method from Elementor 3.7.0.
- Fix: unwanted placeholder image remove from Image Scrolling
- Fix: Megamenu overflow issue
- Fix: One Page Nav issue

v2.5.0- 18 July 2022

- New: Image Swap widget
- Enhancement: Performance improvement

v2.4.0 – 16 June 2022

- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Cart widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Checkout widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Login widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Registration widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Purchase widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Download widget
- Tweak: Dynamic date format set for smart post list and post carousel widget
- Fix: Mini Cart js issue
- Fix: Happy Menu fix for non redirection of parent menu items.
- Fix: List group item's individual color set as "transparent".
- Fix: Smart Post List ajax error issue.

v2.3.3 – 2 May 2022

- Fix: EDD widgets syntax error

v2.3.2 – 26 April 2022

- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Product Grid Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Product Carousel Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Single Product Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Category Grid Widget
- New: Easy Digital Downloads - Category Carousel Widget
- Update: plyr.js 3rd party library update.
- Tweak: Lower animation speed input option enables for all carousel widgets
- Fix: One Page Nav adjust section height by section threshold
- Fix: Slider effect "Cube" was temporary removed from Advanced Slider for some browser compatibility issue.

v2.3.1 – 28 March 2022

- Fix: Hotspots widget wrong position issue.
- Improve: Elementor compatibility.

v2.3.0 – 23 March 2022

- Tweak: Removed `_register_skins` deprecated method
- Fix: live copy button not showing on Frontend

v2.2.6 – 1 March 2022

- Improve: Elementor compatibility

v2.2.5 – 27 February 2022

- Tweak: Improve Team Carousel on load behavior
- Tweak: Improve Testimonial Carousel on load behavior
- Tweak: Improve Logo Carousel on load behavior
- Fix: One Page Navigation by mouse wheel issue
- Fix: Post Carousel Condition for Featured Image
- Fix: HappyMenu responsive arrow position

v2.2.4 – 17 February 2022

- New: Advanced Google Map Widget
- Tweak: MegaMenu Dropdown indicator hover color control
- Tweak: ListGroup widget item direction custom control added
- Fix: ListGroup widget item description hover color fix
- Fix: Advance Slider Flicker Issue

v2.2.3 – 31 January 2022

- Tweak: Enhancement Show the author display name instead of username over the Post Carousel widget
- Tweak: HappyLocalTimeZone set based on display condition enable
- Tweak: MegaMenu Dropdown indicator picker new ui
- Tweak: MegaMenu Default Style Enhancement
- Tweak: MegaMenu Admin Menu Item list indicator added. 
- Fix: Post Grid widget's Badge color not working
- Fix: Advanced tabs don't load section elements
- Fix: Megamenu recursion 
- Fix: Advanced toggle nested opening-closing icon issue
- Fix: Modal popup video stop playing after closing
- Fix: Unfold is not showing the end of the line on a long string.
- Fix: Advanced slider content hides on Elementor template.
- Fix: MegaMenu Spacing issue with submenu indicator
- Fix: ListGroup widget item hover color fix

v2.2.2 – 22 December 2021

- Fix: Advanced slider arrow according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider pagination bullets according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider scrollbar according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider ProgressBar according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider pagination numbers according to vertical and horizontal slide.
- Fix: Advanced slider responsive issue fix.
- Fix: Advanced slider compatibility with Elementor Improved Asset Loading.
- Fix: Grammatical Mistake in one page nav widget.
- Fix: Off-Canvas null Check.
- Fix: Modal popup null Check.
- Fix: Manual Selection query issue.
- Fix: HappyMenu flush rewrite issue.
- Fix: ListGroup Un-indentified index error.
- Fix: Scroll Image Un-indentified index error.

v2.2.1 – 31 October 2021

- Fix: Failed to open stream issue in particle feature
- Fix: Syntax error in unfold widget
- Fix: Hover Box default background image issue
- Fix: Preset reset button style issue
- Fix: Unfold widget JS corner case issue

v2.2.0 – 28 October 2021

- New: Unfold Widget.
- Tweak: Post Grid widget optimization
- Tweak: Single Product widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Grid widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Carousel widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Category Grid widget optimization
- Tweak: Product Category Carousel widget optimization
- Tweak: Replace `_content_template` function with `content_template`.

v2.1.1 – 23 September 2021

- Tweak: Improved performance

v2.1.0 – 25 August 2021

- New: Added disable option for Widget Preset feature
- New: Added compatibility with PHP 8.0

v2.0.0 – 3 August 2021

- New: One Page Navigation Widget
- New: Off Canvas Widget
- New: Added Flip Box Frontend & Backend Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added List Group Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Price Menu Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Post Tiles Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Product Carousel Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Product Category Carousel Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Single Product Title HTML Tag control option
- New: Added Global credential key dashboard. User can set credentials in settings pannel and use it globally (Advanced Data Table Widget, Facebook Feed Widget, Instagram Feed Widget)
- Tweak: Happy Particle Effects code improved & loading perfermonce optimiation.
- Tweak: List Group Widget control improved and added simple HTML support for both title and description.
- Update: Update Hover Box Title HTML Tag control option
- Update: All widgets Coding stractrue update

v1.19.2 – 14 July 2021

- Fix: Happy Menu last nav item padding issue;
- Fix: Megamenu tab layout glitch

v1.19.1 – 8 July 2021

- Tweak: Mini cart widget popup body offset option added.
- Tweak: Advanced slider style controll improved.
- Fix: Advanced slider animation issue fix.
- Fix: Advanced Tabs nav responsive issue
- Fix: Mini Cart alignment issue

v1.19.0 – 23 June 2021

- New: Advanced Slider widget
- New: Link Target option added to Twitter Feed Carousel widget
- New: Link Target option added to Facebook Feed widget
- Fix: Happy Menu Off-canvas background color

v1.18.0 – 9 June 2021

- New: Happy Menu widget
- New: Pricing Table Currency side position change option added
- New: Button Border radius control added to Timeline widget
- Fix: Pagination previous and next improvement on Post Grid widget

v1.17.1 – 20 May 2021

- Tweak: Single Image Scroll image dynamic tag enable
- Tweak: Team Carousel title html tag option increased
- Fix: Single Image anchor tag issue

v1.16.0 – 11 April 2021

- New: Single Image Scroll widget
- New: WC Checkout Coupon Box style control added
- New: Modal popup trigger type control added
- Fix: WC Cart & WC Checkout style issue
- Fix: Post Grid Pagination issue

v1.15.0 – 24 March 2021

- New: WC Cart widget
- New: WC Checkout widget
- Update: List Group widget style control enhancement
- Fix: Facebook Feed blank issue

v1.14.0 – 24 February 2021

- New: Mini Cart widget
- New: Single Product widget
- New: `happyaddons/extensions/happy_particle_effects` filter hook to disable happy particle effects
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Logo carousel widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Post carousel widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Team widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Testimonial widget
- Update: Added dots nav size control in Twitter carousel widget
- Fix: Timeline block rtl issue
- Fix: All Slider loop issue
- Fix: Post Grid Stylica shape divider issue
- Fix: Scrolling Image console error issue
- Fix: Chart Widgets console error

v1.13.1 – 15 December 2020

– Fix: Pricing table JS error in editor

v1.13.0 – 6 December 2020

- New: Modal popup widget
- New: Particle effect extension
- New: Advanced data table widget
- New: Minimal skin for Product category carousel
- Update: Product category carousel markup
- Update: Context menu label and UX
- Fix: Product grid buttons alignment
- Fix: Product category grid counter number alignment

v1.12.0 – 23 November 2020

- New: Product Grid widget
- New: Product Carousel widget
- New: Product Category Grid widget
- New: Product Category Carousel widget
- Update: Post Grid loadmore animation.
- Update: Instagram user ID option remove
- Update: Instagram data cache system update
- Update: Support custom HTML tags for pricing menu description.
- Fix: Post Grid Meta last child margin issue.
- Fix: Post Grid Outbox skin author background color change issue.

v1.11.1 – 26 October 2020

Fix: Smart Post List compatibility with WPML
- Fix: Post Carousel compatibility with WPML
- Fix: On Demand Assets Loading compatibility with WPML
- Fix: Pricing Table long feature text breaks into 2nd line issue
- Fix: Pricing Table default style and content issue
- Fix: Missing widget styles

v1.11.0 – 22 October 2020

- New: Post Grid widget
- New: Sticky Video widget
- New: Author List widget
- New: All Content (Full Page) Cross Domain Copy Paste
- New: `happyaddons/extensions/image_masking` filter hook to disable image masking
- New: `happyaddons/extensions/display_condition` filter hook to disable display condition
- Fix: Post Carousel author name issue
- Fix: Post Carousel link issue
- Fix: Updated Elementor JS api compatibility with 3.x.x

v1.10.0 – 28 September 2020

- New: Smart Post List widget
- New: Post Tiles widget
- New: Post Carousel widget
- Tweak: Instagram data cache system update
- Fix: Correct Spelling Mistake in Instagram
- Fix: WPML Link Issue
- Fix: SVG Icon Color Issue
- Fix: Scrolling image duplicate link issue
- Fix: Instagram Video Image Blank issue

v1.9.0 – 30 June 2020

- New: Twitter Feed Carousel widget
- New: Breadcrumb New widget
- New: Instagram New API integration
- Fix: Column padding issue on editor

v1.8.0 – 22 June 2020

- New: Facebook feed widget
- New: Section template inline editing
- Fix: SVG sizing issues in all widgets
- Fix: WPML file loading issue
- Fix: Self Hosted Live Copy button on/off issue

v1.7.0 – 18 May 2020

-New: WPML support for all widgets
- Fix: Animated Text alignment issue
- Fix: Logo Carousel image issue on ios and safari

v1.6.1 – 28 April 2020

- Fix: Heading widget style tab issue

v1.6.0 – 22nd April 2020

-New: Self Hosted Live Copy
- Fix: SVG missing issue on cross paste and live paste
- Fix: Select2 visual issue
- Fix: Removed unnecessary scripts

v1.5.1 – 5th April 2020

- Tweak: Custom attribute output support for all links
- Fix: Elementor popup link not working in HappyAddons Pro widgets
- Fix: Timeline widget date alignment with icon top issue
- Fix: Testimonial Carousel padding issue

v1.5.0 – 9th March 2020

- New: Pie & Doughnut Chart Widget
- New: Line Chart Widget
- New: Rader Chart Widget
- New: Polar Area Chart Widget
- Update: Added badget text in Pricing Menu
- Update: Added server time in Display Condition
- Fix: Display Condition cookie issue

v1.4.2 – 27 February 2020

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Accordion widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Pricing Table widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Advanced Tabs widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Animated Text widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Feature List widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Hotspots widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for List Group widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Logo Carousel widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Price Menu widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Promo Box widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Scrolling Image widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Team Carousel widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Testimonial Carousel widget

– Update: Dynamic tags support for Toggle widget

– Fix: Pricing Table PHP warning

v1.4.1 – 18 February 2020

- Fix: Conflict with Rank Math
- Fix: Hotspots widget id conflict

v1.4.0 – 21 January 2020

 -New: HotSpots widget
- New: Price Menu widget
- New: Display condition global feature (Works with all widgets, section and column. Available inside advanced tab)
- Tweak: Improved attachment import procedure on cross paste and live paste

v1.3.0 – 31 December 2019

- New: Promo Box widget
- New: CSS Image Masking (Supported widgets: Card, Info Box, Promo Box, Member, Image, Image Box)
- Update: Cross Domain Copy Paste UX improved
- Update: Cross Domain Copy Paste performance improved
- Update: Live Copy Paste UX improved
- Update: Live Copy Paste performance improved
- Update: Context menu items are moved to upper position
- Fix: Unlimited Section Nesting compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*

v1.2.0 – 22 December 2019

- New: Timeline scroll animation
- Fix: Live Copy Paste compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*
- Fix: Cross Domain Copy Paste compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*
- Fix: Preset compatibility issue with Elementor 2.8.*

v1.0.2 – 8 November 2019

- Fix: Plugin auto updater initialization

v1.0.1 – 7 November 2019

- Tweak: Widgets default styles
- Fix: Image border radius style issue
- Fix: Unexpected preset calls

v1.1.0 – 25 November 2019

- New: Added Live Copy feature (Check context menu for Live Paste option)
- Tweak: Animated Text widget max limit increased
- Fix: Countdown widget redirect issue
- Fix: Featured List widget link issue
- Fix: Malware false warning issue

v1.0 -> Oct 28, 2019

- Initial Release

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