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Grid Layout

How to Use Grid Layout Feature

As we have to work on page layout so it’s a mandatory task to maintain proper alignment of the elements. In Adobe Illustrator we can easily do that. But it’s quite tough to maintain it on the web development tools. Now you will get the awesome tool in Elementor with the help of Happy Addons.


You can use this feature on Happy Elementor Addons Free Version.

Use the Grid Layout Feature

To activate the feature navigate it,

Elementor Edit Panel> Setting> Happy Gid Layout> On/Off


Happy Grid Layout


Happy Grid Layout


Happy Grid Layout

You have the full flexibility to set your Gid color, width, and position of your grid layout. Here is a video tutorial about how you can use this feature to make pixel-perfect web designs.

If you want to learn more about grid layouts for real then here a detailed guideline by 1440px.

That’s it.

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