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Manage Column Width by Adding Pixels

How to Manage Column Width Ratio by Adding Pixels

In Elementor Page Builder we can manage column width ratio with percentage parameter. Sometimes we need to add some pixel-perfect ratio to make lucrative designs. With this feature, you can do that easily.


You just need Happy Elementor Addons Free Version.

Use of Pixels to Manage Column

While editing the column you will get a new Happy Feature option. In that section, you will find an option: Custom Column Width. Add the pixel number on the first column. Then in the second column, you can add the rest of the pixel number. Or if you want to add a percentage ration on the second column then you have to add the bellow equation:

= calc(100%-previously used pixel number)

Example: calc(100%-400px)

adding pixel in Column

Side Note: This equation is the best fit for the two-column option. If you want to add pixel on three columns you have full freedom to add a fixed number of pixels. But in case you want to add percentage ratios on the rest of the columns then you can apply this equation.

= calc( (number of percent / 100) * (100% – Sum of Previus column px) )

Example: calc( (30 / 100) * (100% – 300px) )

Learn more about pixel calculation from here.

Here is a full video tutorial 

This video will help you to get the full concept of the feature.

That’s it.

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