Happy Elementor Addons Pro

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Facebook Feed

Happy Addons Facebook Feed widget lets you display your Facebook posts in an amazing way. So, from now on you can personalize your Facebook feed any way you like and also make it appealing to your audience with this new pro widget.

Let’s see how to set up.

Generate Facebook Page Id & Access Token

First and foremost, to display your Facebook feeds you need to acquire your page id and access token. So, at first, you need to create your Facebook page.

Next, log in to your Facebook account go to the Facebook Developers Account. There you need to create an App. So click on the My App button.

my app

Add your app display name, and your contact email. Hit Create App ID to finish.

app name

In order to Generate Page Access token, click on Tools and select Graph API Tools.

graph api tools

On the next page click on Generate Access Token, also select Get Page Access Token from the drop down menu.

generate access token

You will get a pop-up window after selecting Get Page Access Token. Select Continue As Your Id Name.

continue as

If you have multiple pages, select the one you want to fetch posts from. Click on Next.

select page

Select YES for “Read content posted on the page” and hit Done to finish.

read content

To collect your Facebook Page ID, first of all, go to your Facebook page. Then, from the URL bar, simply just copy the page URL.

page url

Now, you can visit this site: Randomtools or Smallseotools and paste your Facebook Page URL. Then, hit the ‘Find Numeric ID’ button.

find my id number

You will find you page id from there.

page id Happy Addons Facebook Feed

You are done with the Page ID and Access Token. Now we can get onto the set up of the Happy Addons Facebook Feed widget.

Note: If you do not verify Facebook Page Token, then the token will not work for a long time.

How to Utilise Facebook Feed

Step 1:

Select the Facebook Feed widget from the menu bar on the left-hand side of the screen then drag and drop it in the selected area.

select widget Happy Addons Facebook Feed

Step 2:

In the ‘Content‘ section, you will find options to edit ‘Facebook Feed‘, ‘Facebook Feed Settings‘, ‘General Settings’, ‘Wrapper Link’.

content section

Add your Page Id and Access Token in the Facebook Feed option.

page id and access token Happy Addons Facebook Feed

In the Facebook Feed Settings option, you can decide your column number, enable Facebook logo, Feature image, date, name, likes count and many more. There is also a Remove Cache option. If you have a verified page then you can enable this option. Otherwise it’s better to disable the option.

facebook feed settings Happy Addons Facebook Feed

You can sort your posts by,

  • Recent Posts
  • Old Posts
  • Likes
  • Comments
sort posts

In the General Settings option you can align your posts, feature image position, footer, button.

general settings Happy Addons Facebook Feed

Step 3:

In the ‘Style‘ section, you will have options to design ‘ Common’,’Feature image’, ‘ User Infor’, ‘Content’,’ Footer and Button’.

style section

In the Common option, you can add space between posts, padding, border type, width, color, box shadow, background, background overlay and many more.

common option Happy Addons Facebook Feed

Also, in the Feature Image option you can design the image using image width, height, padding, border radius, box shadow and many more.

feature image option

The User Info option lets you add info spacing, profile image size, border radius, typography, etc to stylize your section.

user info Happy Addons Facebook Feed

You can add padding, bottom spacing, typography for your content in the Content option.

content option

For your Footer and Buttons, you can add padding, width, color, space between like and comments, icon color.

footer and button Happy Addons Facebook Feed

Step 4:

If you want to add motion effects, happy effectsbackground or make it responsive and more intriguing, click on ‘Advanced‘ to explore those options. the ‘Advanced‘ is a default feature of Elementor. Give a read to this Document to know more about Advanced features and its uses.

Advanced section

Finally, after clicking the publish button you will see the beautiful posts from your Facebook Feed on your webpage.

final image Happy Addons Facebook Feed

That’s it.

Check out this video,

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