Happy Addons introducing the new ‘EDD Purchase‘ widget. Now you can efficiently design and customize your website purchase page and make it more engaging for your users.
How To Use Happy Addons’ EDD Purchase Widget
To work with this advanced widget, you should install and activate the following plugins on your website :
- Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)
- Elementor (Free)
- Happy Addons (Free)
- Happy Addons Pro
Let’s get started:
Purchase Content
EDD Purchase widget doesn’t have any useful content control.

Style Purchase Table
In the Style->Purchase Table area, you’ll style the purchased table in your own way. You can change the table default style like Typography, Border Type, Color, Border Radius, and Box Shadow.

Style Purchase Table Head
You are able to restyle the Table Head design. You can change the Typography, Padding, Text Color, and Background Color to decorate the table heading.

Style Purchase Items
You can also customize the Purchase Items here in the style area. You can add Padding, Separator Type, Separator Color, and Separator Size. Also, you can change the Text Color, Links Color, and Background Color.

Advanced Settings
If you want to add motion effects, happy effects, background, or make it responsive and more intriguing, click on ‘Advanced‘ to explore those options. the ‘Advanced‘ is a default feature of Elementor.

Give a read to this Document to know more about advanced features & functions.
Final Preview
Check out the final preview of the current purchase page that we’ve created with the EDD Purchase widget.

You can also check the following video guide.