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Unlimited Section Nesting Feature

How To Use The Unlimited Sections Feature Of Happy Elementor Addons

Now with the Happy Elementor Addons Pro, we are introducing an unlimited section. You can now add unlimited sections on the canvas. These sections can be used to show multilayer widgets or images. That will give your webpage a sleek look and feel.


You need to purchase Happy Elementor Addons Pro. Then the unlimited section feature will be enabled for Elementor and Happy addons. So, you can use this feature anywhere if you have Happy Elementor Addons Pro.

Using Unlimited Sections

Just select a section, then right-click of your mouse and you will the option ‘Add Nested Section’. You can add as many sections as you want.

unlimited nested section

See this GIF to get a clear idea.

Unlimited Section Gif

Here is a good example of using Section Nesting Feature,

That’s it!.

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